
Reasons the earth is flat
Reasons the earth is flat

reasons the earth is flat

As you might imagine, the Flat Earth Hypothesis contradicts the model of Earth as a spinning, 3-D “oblate spheroid” (an imperfect ball). What new treatments are there for neurodegenerative diseases?Ī group of scientists who study science communication at Texas Tech University wanted to understand more about the people who accept the Flat Earth Hypothesis.What new technology is coming around the corner?.What might life look like elsewhere in the Universe?.What is going on with the Earth’s climate?.What effects do different foods have on our bodies and health?.What do we know about autoimmune diseases?.How does technology impact our daily lives?.How do we feed people now and in the future?.How do scientists study drugs and vaccines?.How do microbes respond to changes in their surroundings?.How can microbes clean up the environment?.

Reasons the earth is flat